
See theTriangleImp companion object
final class TriangleImp(val arrayUnsafe: Array[Double]) extends Triangle, AffinePreserve


trait Triangle
trait Polygon3Plus
trait Polygon
trait PolygonLike[Pt2]
trait Pt2SeqSpec
trait SeqSpecDbl2[Pt2]
trait SeqSpecDblN[Pt2]
trait SeqSpec[Pt2]
trait Pt2SeqLike
trait SeqLikeDbl2[Pt2]
trait SeqLikeDblN[Pt2]
trait SpecialT
trait PointSeqLike[Pt2]
trait SeqLike[Pt2]
trait Approx[Double]
trait Equals
trait Shape
trait BoundedElem
trait Fillable
trait Drawable
trait GeomElem
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Members list

Type members


override type ThisT = TriangleImp

The most narrow type preserved in some 2d geometric transformations.

The most narrow type preserved in some 2d geometric transformations.


Inherited types

override type SideT = LineSeg


Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

override def fromArray(array: Array[Double]): TriangleImp


Definition Classes
override def ptsTrans(f: Pt2 => Pt2): TriangleImp

A method to perform all the AffinePreserve transformations with a function from PT2 => PT2. This is delegated to the VertsTrans method as a TriangleImp is specified by its vertices. This is not the case for all Polygons.

A method to perform all the AffinePreserve transformations with a function from PT2 => PT2. This is delegated to the VertsTrans method as a TriangleImp is specified by its vertices. This is not the case for all Polygons.


Definition Classes
override def vertsTrans(f: Pt2 => Pt2): TriangleImp

2D geometric transformation on a triangle returns a triangle. The method takes a function from a Pt2 2D Vector or point to a Pt2.

2D geometric transformation on a triangle returns a triangle. The method takes a function from a Pt2 2D Vector or point to a Pt2.


Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def active(id: AnyRef): PolygonActive


Inherited from:
def activeChildren(id: AnyRef, children: GraphicElems): PolygonCompound


Inherited from:
def appendArray(appendProductsLength: Int): Array[Double]

Builder helper method that provides a longer array, with the underlying array copied into the new extended Array.

Builder helper method that provides a longer array, with the underlying array copied into the new extended Array.


Inherited from:
override def approx(that: Any, precision: Double): Boolean


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def arrTrans(f: Pt2 => Pt2): Array[Double]


Inherited from:
override protected def arrayForSides: Array[Double]

Creates the Array[Double] need to implement the sides method.

Creates the Array[Double] need to implement the sides method.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final def arrayLen: Int

The total number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc in the backing Array.

The total number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc in the backing Array.


Inherited from:
override def attribs: RArr[XmlAtt]


Definition Classes
Inherited from:


Inherited from:
final def boundCen: Pt2

The centre of the bounding rectangle. consider also using cenDefault.

The centre of the bounding rectangle. consider also using cenDefault.


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
override def boundingHeight: Double

The height of the BoundingRect of this object.

The height of the BoundingRect of this object.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def boundingRect: Rect

Currently throws, not sure if that is the correct behaviour. Creates a bounding rectangle for a collection of 2d points

Currently throws, not sure if that is the correct behaviour. Creates a bounding rectangle for a collection of 2d points


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def boundingWidth: Double

The width of the BoundingRect of this object.

The width of the BoundingRect of this object.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:


Inherited from:
def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean

This canEqual override allow the comparison of Shapes.

This canEqual override allow the comparison of Shapes.


Inherited from:

If the geometric element has a defined centre then the cenDefault uses that, else it defaults to the centre of the bounding rectangle.

If the geometric element has a defined centre then the cenDefault uses that, else it defaults to the centre of the bounding rectangle.


Inherited from:
def cenPt: Pt2

The centre point of this Polygon. The default centre for Polygons is the centre of the bounding rectangle.

The centre point of this Polygon. The default centre for Polygons is the centre of the bounding rectangle.


Inherited from:
def cenVec: Vec2


Inherited from:
override def draw(lineWidth: Double, lineColour: Colour): PolygonDraw

Draws this geometric element to produce a GraphElem graphical element, that can be displayed or printed.

Draws this geometric element to produce a GraphElem graphical element, that can be displayed or printed.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def drawActive(lineColour: Colour, lineWidth: Double, pointerID: Any): PolygonCompound


Inherited from:
def dropVert(v: Int): Polygon


Inherited from:


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
override def elemProdSize: Int

The number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc that specify / construct an element of this immutable flat Array based collection class.

The number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc that specify / construct an element of this immutable flat Array based collection class.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def elemsStr: String

The element String allows the composition of toString for the whole collection. The syntax of the output will be reworked.

The element String allows the composition of toString for the whole collection. The syntax of the output will be reworked.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final override def fElemStr: Pt2 => String


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def fill(colour: Colour): TriangleFill

Returns a fill graphic of this geometric object.

Returns a fill graphic of this geometric object.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def fillActive(fillColour: Colour, pointerID: Any): PolygonCompound


Inherited from:
def fillActiveDraw(fillColour: Colour, pointerID: Any, lineColour: Colour, lineWidth: Double): PolygonCompound

Creates a PolygonCompound graphic that is active with a simple 1 colour fill and has a draw graphic for the Polygon. The default values for the draw area line width of 2 and a colour of Black.

Creates a PolygonCompound graphic that is active with a simple 1 colour fill and has a draw graphic for the Polygon. The default values for the draw area line width of 2 and a colour of Black.


Inherited from:
def fillActiveDrawText(fillColour: Colour, pointerID: Any, str: String, fontSize: Double, lineWidth: Double, lineColour: Colour, textColour: Colour, align: TextAlign): PolygonCompound


Inherited from:
override def fillActiveText(fillColour: Colour, pointerEv: Any, str: String, fontRatio: Double, fontColour: Colour, align: TextAlign, baseLine: BaseLine, minSize: Double): PolygonCompound

ShapeCompound graphic with a FillFacet, a TextFacet and a ShapeActive child.

ShapeCompound graphic with a FillFacet, a TextFacet and a ShapeActive child.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def fillActiveTextAbs(fillColour: Colour, pointerEv: Any, str: String, fontSize: Double, fontColour: Colour, align: TextAlign): PolygonCompound

Returns compound polygon graphic with fill, active and Text members. The element parameters being entered in name order.

Returns compound polygon graphic with fill, active and Text members. The element parameters being entered in name order.


Inherited from:
def fillActiveTextlign(fillColour: Colour, pointerEv: Any, str: String, fontSize: Double, fontColour: Colour, align: TextAlign): PolygonCompound


Inherited from:
override def fillDraw(fillColour: Colour, lineColour: Colour, lineWidth: Double): PolygonCompound

Returns a fill and draw graphic of this geometric object.

Returns a fill and draw graphic of this geometric object.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def fillDrawText(fillColour: Colour, str: String, fontSize: Double, lineColour: Colour, lineWidth: Double): PolygonCompound


Inherited from:
override def fillInt(intValue: Int): TriangleFill

Returns a fill graphic of this geometric object from the Int RGBA value.

Returns a fill graphic of this geometric object from the Int RGBA value.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def fillOrDraw(lineWidth: Double, colour: Colour): GraphicElem

If this element is Fillable applies the fill method, ignoring the line width parameter, else applies the draws method.

If this element is Fillable applies the fill method, ignoring the line width parameter, else applies the draws method.


Inherited from:
def fillTextAbs(fillColour: Colour, str: String, fontSize: Double, textColour: Colour, layer: Int): PolygonCompound

Returns compound polygon graphic with fill and Text members. The element parameters being entered in name order.

Returns compound polygon graphic with fill and Text members. The element parameters being entered in name order.


Inherited from:
def flatMap[B <: ValueNElem, BB <: PolygonLike[B]](f: Pt2 => SeqLike[B])(implicit build: PolygonLikeFlatBuilder[B, BB]): BB

FlatMaps the vertices of this PolygonLike to a new to PolygonLike class of type BB.

FlatMaps the vertices of this PolygonLike to a new to PolygonLike class of type BB.


Inherited from:
def inRect(ratio: Double): Rect


Inherited from:
def inRectFrom(startCen: Pt2, ratio: Double): Rect

Approximation for an inner rectangle given a starting centre.

Approximation for an inner rectangle given a starting centre.


Inherited from:
def insVert(insertionPoint: Int, newVec: Pt2): Polygon

Insert vertex.

Insert vertex.


Inherited from:
def insVerts(insertionPoint: Int, newPts: Pt2*): Polygon

Insert vertices before the specified insertion vertex.

Insert vertices before the specified insertion vertex.


Inherited from:
def map[B <: ValueNElem, BB <: PolygonLike[B]](f: Pt2 => B)(implicit build: PolygonLikeMapBuilder[B, BB]): BB

Maps the vertices of this PolygonLike to a new to PolygonLike class of type BB.

Maps the vertices of this PolygonLike to a new to PolygonLike class of type BB.


Inherited from:
override def negX: ThisT

Mirror, reflection 2D geometric transformation across the Y axis by negating X. The return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.

Mirror, reflection 2D geometric transformation across the Y axis by negating X. The return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def negY: ThisT

Mirror, reflection 2D geometric transformation across the X axis by negating y. The return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.

Mirror, reflection 2D geometric transformation across the X axis by negating y. The return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def numVerts: Int

The number of vertices and also the number of sides in this Polygon.

The number of vertices and also the number of sides in this Polygon.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def optMap[B <: ValueNElem, BB <: PolygonLike[B]](f: Pt2 => Option[B])(implicit build: PolygonLikeMapBuilder[B, BB]): Option[BB]

Optionally maps the vertices of this PolygonLike to vertices of a new to PolygonLike class of type BB. If the new PolygonLike has at least 3 vertices returns Some else returns None.

Optionally maps the vertices of this PolygonLike to vertices of a new to PolygonLike class of type BB. If the new PolygonLike has at least 3 vertices returns Some else returns None.


Inherited from:


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
override def prolign(matrix: ProlignMatrix): ThisT

2D Transformation using a ProlignMatrix. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes / traits.

2D Transformation using a ProlignMatrix. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes / traits.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def ptInside(pt: Pt2): Boolean

Determines if the parameter point lies inside this Polygon.

Determines if the parameter point lies inside this Polygon.


Inherited from:
override def reflect(lineLike: LineLike): ThisT

Reflect 2D geometric transformation across a line, line segment or ray on a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.

Reflect 2D geometric transformation across a line, line segment or ray on a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def reverse: ThisT

Reverses the order of the elements of the specifying sequence.

Reverses the order of the elements of the specifying sequence.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def rightX: Double


Inherited from:
override def rotate(angle: AngleVec): ThisT

Rotation 2D geometric transformation on a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.

Rotation 2D geometric transformation on a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def rotate180: ThisT

Rotation of 180 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a GeomElem, returns a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.

Rotation of 180 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a GeomElem, returns a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def rotate270: ThisT

Rotation positive or anti clockwise 270 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a GeomElem, returns a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.

Rotation positive or anti clockwise 270 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a GeomElem, returns a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def rotate90: ThisT

Rotation positive or anti clockwise 90 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a GeomElem, returns a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.

Rotation positive or anti clockwise 90 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a GeomElem, returns a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def scale(operand: Double): ThisT

Uniform 2D geometric scaling transformation. The scale name was chosen for this operation as it is normally the desired operation and preserves Circles and Squares. Use the xyScale method for differential scaling. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.

Uniform 2D geometric scaling transformation. The scale name was chosen for this operation as it is normally the desired operation and preserves Circles and Squares. Use the xyScale method for differential scaling. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def scaleXY(xOperand: Double, yOperand: Double): ThisT

Scaling X and Y axes independently, 2D geometric transformation on this GeomElem, returns a new GeomElem. This allows different scaling factors across X and Y dimensions. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits. This is an affine transformation but it is not a similar transformation.

Scaling X and Y axes independently, 2D geometric transformation on this GeomElem, returns a new GeomElem. This allows different scaling factors across X and Y dimensions. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits. This is an affine transformation but it is not a similar transformation.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final def sd0Cen: Pt2

The centre or half way point of side 0 of this polygon. Side 0 starts at the vertex v0 and ends at the vertex v1. This can be thought of as vertex 0.5.

The centre or half way point of side 0 of this polygon. Side 0 starts at the vertex v0 and ends at the vertex v1. This can be thought of as vertex 0.5.


Inherited from:
final def sd0CenX: Double

The X component of the centre or half way point of side 0 of this polygon.

The X component of the centre or half way point of side 0 of this polygon.


Inherited from:
final def sd0CenY: Double

The Y component of the centre or half way point of side 0 of this polygon.

The Y component of the centre or half way point of side 0 of this polygon.


Inherited from:
final def sd1Cen: Pt2

The centre or half way point of side 1 of this polygon. Side 1 starts at the v1 vertex and ends at the v2 vertex. This can be thought of as vertex 1.5

The centre or half way point of side 1 of this polygon. Side 1 starts at the v1 vertex and ends at the v2 vertex. This can be thought of as vertex 1.5


Inherited from:
final def sd1CenX: Double

The X component of the centre or half way point of side 1 of this polygon. The midway point between v0 and v1.

The X component of the centre or half way point of side 1 of this polygon. The midway point between v0 and v1.


Inherited from:
final def sd1CenY: Double

The Y component of the centre or half way point of side 1 of this polygon. the midway point between v1 and v2.

The Y component of the centre or half way point of side 1 of this polygon. the midway point between v1 and v2.


Inherited from:
final def sd2Cen: Pt2

The centre or half way point of side 2 of this polygon. Side 2 starts at the v1 vertex and ends at the v2 vertex. This can be thought of as vertex 2.5.

The centre or half way point of side 2 of this polygon. Side 2 starts at the v1 vertex and ends at the v2 vertex. This can be thought of as vertex 2.5.


Inherited from:
final def sd2CenX: Double

The X component of the centre or half way point of side 2 of this polygon.

The X component of the centre or half way point of side 2 of this polygon.


Inherited from:
final def sd2CenY: Double

The Y component of the centre or half way point of side 2 of this polygon.

The Y component of the centre or half way point of side 2 of this polygon.


Inherited from:
override def setElemUnsafe(index: Int, newElem: Pt2): Unit

Sets / mutates an element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.

Sets / mutates an element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def setElemsUnsafe(index: Int, elems: Pt2*): Unit

Sets / mutates elements in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.

Sets / mutates elements in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.


Inherited from:
override def shearX(operand: Double): ThisT

Shear 2D geometric transformation along the X Axis on a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits. This is an affine transformation but it is not a similar transformation.

Shear 2D geometric transformation along the X Axis on a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits. This is an affine transformation but it is not a similar transformation.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def shearY(operand: Double): ThisT

Shear 2D geometric transformation along the Y Axis on a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits. This is an affine transformation but it is not a similar transformation.

Shear 2D geometric transformation along the Y Axis on a GeomElem. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits. This is an affine transformation but it is not a similar transformation.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def side(index: Int): LineSeg

Returns a side of the appropriate type for the PolygonLike from the goven index. The index cycles.

Returns a side of the appropriate type for the PolygonLike from the goven index. The index cycles.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final def side0: LineSeg

Polygon side 0 from vertex 0 to vertex 1.

Polygon side 0 from vertex 0 to vertex 1.


Inherited from:
final def side1: LineSeg

Polygon side 1 from vertex 0 to vertex 1.

Polygon side 1 from vertex 0 to vertex 1.


Inherited from:
final def side2: LineSeg

Polygon side 2 from vertex 1 to vertex 2.

Polygon side 2 from vertex 1 to vertex 2.


Inherited from:
override def sides: LineSegArr


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def sidesFold[A](init: A)(f: (A, LineSeg) => A): A


Inherited from:
override def sidesForeach[U](f: LineSeg => U): Unit


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def sidesMap[A, AA <: Arr[A]](f: LineSeg => A)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[A, AA]): AA

maps over the sides or edges of the Polygon These are of type LineSeg.

maps over the sides or edges of the Polygon These are of type LineSeg.


Inherited from:
override def slate(offset: Vec2Like): Triangle

Translate 2D geometric transformation on a Triangle returns a Triangle. The return type is narrowed in sub classes.

Translate 2D geometric transformation on a Triangle returns a Triangle. The return type is narrowed in sub classes.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def slateXY(xDelta: Double, yDelta: Double): ThisT

Translate 2D geometric transformation, taking the xOffset and yOffset as parameters on this GeomElem returning a GeomElem. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits. End users will often want to use the slate method taking a Pt2 or Vec2 as a parameter, the slateX or the slateY methods. These methods will be offered as extension methods using this method for their implementations.

Translate 2D geometric transformation, taking the xOffset and yOffset as parameters on this GeomElem returning a GeomElem. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits. End users will often want to use the slate method taking a Pt2 or Vec2 as a parameter, the slateX or the slateY methods. These methods will be offered as extension methods using this method for their implementations.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def sline(index: Int): LineSeg


Inherited from:
final override def ssElem(d1: Double, d2: Double): Pt2

Method for creating new specifying sequence elements from 2 Doubles In the case of ArrDbl2 this will be thee type of the elements of the sequence.

Method for creating new specifying sequence elements from 2 Doubles In the case of ArrDbl2 this will be thee type of the elements of the sequence.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def ssElemEq(a1: Pt2, a2: Pt2): Boolean

Checks if 2 values of the specifying sequence are equal.

Checks if 2 values of the specifying sequence are equal.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def ssFold[B](initVal: B)(f: (B, Pt2) => B): B

specifying -sequence fold.

specifying -sequence fold.


Inherited from:
def ssForAll(f: Pt2 => Boolean): Boolean


Inherited from:
def ssForeach[U](f: Pt2 => U): Unit

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying sequence in order.

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying sequence in order.


Inherited from:
def ssForeachPairTail[U](f: (Double, Double) => U): Unit


Inherited from:
def ssIForeach[U](initIndex: Int)(f: (Int, Pt2) => U): Unit

Index with foreach on the data elements. Performs a side effecting function on the index and each element of the data sequence. It takes a function as a parameter. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.

Index with foreach on the data elements. Performs a side effecting function on the index and each element of the data sequence. It takes a function as a parameter. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.


Inherited from:
def ssIForeach[U](f: (Int, Pt2) => Any): Unit

Index with foreach on the the specifying sequence elements. Performs a side effecting function on the index and each element of the specifying sequence. It takes a function as a parameter. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.

Index with foreach on the the specifying sequence elements. Performs a side effecting function on the index and each element of the specifying sequence. It takes a function as a parameter. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.


Inherited from:
override def ssIndex(index: Int): Pt2

Accesses the specifying sequence element by a 0 based index.

Accesses the specifying sequence element by a 0 based index.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def ssInnerForeach[U](f: Pt2 => U): Unit

Foreachs over the inner of the specifying sequence, excludes the first and last element. Performs a side effecting function on each element of the tail of the specifying sequence in order.

Foreachs over the inner of the specifying sequence, excludes the first and last element. Performs a side effecting function on each element of the tail of the specifying sequence in order.


Inherited from:
def ssLast: Pt2

Last element of the specifying sequence.

Last element of the specifying sequence.


Inherited from:
override def ssLength: Int

The number of product elements in this collection. For example in a [[PolygonImp], this is the number of Pt2s in the Polygon

The number of product elements in this collection. For example in a [[PolygonImp], this is the number of Pt2s in the Polygon


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def ssMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: Pt2 => B)(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Specialised map to an immutable Arr of B. For Sequ dataMap is the same as map, but for other structures it will be different, for example a PolygonLike will map to another PolygonLike.

Specialised map to an immutable Arr of B. For Sequ dataMap is the same as map, but for other structures it will be different, for example a PolygonLike will map to another PolygonLike.


Inherited from:
def ssReverseForeach[U](f: Pt2 => U): Unit

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying-sequence in reverse order. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying-sequence in reverse order. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.


Inherited from:
def ssTailFold[B](initial: B)(f: (B, Pt2) => B): B

FoldLeft over the tail of the specifying sequence.

FoldLeft over the tail of the specifying sequence.


Inherited from:
def ssTailForeach[U](f: Pt2 => U): Unit

Foreachs over the tail of the specifying sequence. Performs a side effecting function on each element of the tail of the specifying sequence in order.

Foreachs over the tail of the specifying sequence. Performs a side effecting function on each element of the tail of the specifying sequence in order.


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes
SeqLike -> Any
Inherited from:
override def typeStr: String

String specifying the type of this object.

String specifying the type of this object.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:

Maps the 1st Double of each element to a new Array[Double], copies the 2nd elements.

Maps the 1st Double of each element to a new Array[Double], copies the 2nd elements.


Inherited from:

Maps the 2nd Double of each element with the parameter function to a new Array[Double], copies the 1st Double of each element.

Maps the 2nd Double of each element with the parameter function to a new Array[Double], copies the 1st Double of each element.


Inherited from:
def unsafeMap(f: Pt2 => Pt2): Array[Double]

Maps the 2 Doubles of each element to a new Array[Double].

Maps the 2 Doubles of each element to a new Array[Double].


Inherited from:


Inherited from:


Inherited from:

Reverses the order of the elements in a new Array[Double] which is returned.

Reverses the order of the elements in a new Array[Double] which is returned.


Inherited from:
def unsafeSameSize(length: Int): ThisT


Inherited from:
final def unsafeVert(index: Int): Pt2

Returns the vertex of the given index. Throws if the index is out of range, if it less than 1 or greater than the number of vertices.

Returns the vertex of the given index. Throws if the index is out of range, if it less than 1 or greater than the number of vertices.


Inherited from:
final def v0: Pt2

Vertex v0, will throw on a 0 vertices polygon. By convention the default position for this vertex is at the top or 12 o'clock position of the polygon or the vertex immediately anti clockwise if there is no vertex in this position.

Vertex v0, will throw on a 0 vertices polygon. By convention the default position for this vertex is at the top or 12 o'clock position of the polygon or the vertex immediately anti clockwise if there is no vertex in this position.


Inherited from:
final def v0x: Double

The X component of vertex v0, will throw on a 0 vertices polygon.

The X component of vertex v0, will throw on a 0 vertices polygon.


Inherited from:
final def v0y: Double

The Y component of vertex v1, will throw on a 0 vertices polygon.

The Y component of vertex v1, will throw on a 0 vertices polygon.


Inherited from:
final def v1: Pt2

The v1 Vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with the 1 immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.

The v1 Vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with the 1 immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.


Inherited from:
final def v1x: Double

The X component of the v1 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with the 0 vertex at or immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.

The X component of the v1 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with the 0 vertex at or immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.


Inherited from:
final def v1y: Double

The Y component of the v1 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with vertex immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.

The Y component of the v1 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with vertex immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.


Inherited from:
final def v2: Pt2

The v2 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with the 0 vertex at or immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.

The v2 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with the 0 vertex at or immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.


Inherited from:
final def v2x: Double

The X component of the v2 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with vertex 1 immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.

The X component of the v2 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with vertex 1 immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.


Inherited from:
final def v2y: Double

The Y component of the v2 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with vertex immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.

The Y component of the v2 vertex. The default convention is for the vertices to be numbered in a clockwise direction with vertex immediately clockwise from 12 o'clock.


Inherited from:
def vLast: Pt2

The last vertex. The default convention places this just anti clockwise of 12 o'clock.

The last vertex. The default convention places this just anti clockwise of 12 o'clock.


Inherited from:
final def vLastX: Double


Inherited from:
final def vLastY: Double


Inherited from:
def vert(index: Int): Pt2

Returns the vertex of the given index. Cycles around if the index is out of range, vert 3 retruns vert 0 on a triangle.

Returns the vertex of the given index. Cycles around if the index is out of range, vert 3 retruns vert 0 on a triangle.


Inherited from:
def vertX(index: Int): Double

Returns the X component of the vertex of the given number. Will throw an exception if the vertex index is out of range.

Returns the X component of the vertex of the given number. Will throw an exception if the vertex index is out of range.


Inherited from:
def vertY(index: Int): Double

Returns the Y component of the vertex of the given number. Will throw an exception if the vertex index is out of range. For maximum efficiency override the implementation in sub classes.

Returns the Y component of the vertex of the given number. Will throw an exception if the vertex index is out of range. For maximum efficiency override the implementation in sub classes.


Inherited from:
override def verts: Pt2Arr


Definition Classes
Inherited from:

This method should be overridden in final classes.

This method should be overridden in final classes.


Inherited from:
final override def vertsForeach[U](f: Pt2 => U): Unit

Performs the side effecting function on the Pt2 value of each vertex.

Performs the side effecting function on the Pt2 value of each vertex.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def vertsMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: Pt2 => B)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Maps the vertices of this polygon to an immutable Array like sequence of type B.

Maps the vertices of this polygon to an immutable Array like sequence of type B.

Type parameters


The type of the immutable Array like sequence of B.


The element type of the returned sequence.



the immutable sequence collection by applying the supplied function to each vertex.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:

Checks this polygon has at least 3 vertices.

Checks this polygon has at least 3 vertices.


Inherited from:

Increase the number of vertices and LineSegs by breaking up the LineSegs into parts.

Increase the number of vertices and LineSegs by breaking up the LineSegs into parts.


Inherited from:
def vertsPrevForEach[U](f: (Pt2, Pt2) => U): Unit

This method does nothing if the vertNum < 2. Foreach vertex applies the side effecting function to the previous vertex with each vertex. The previous vertex to the first vertex is the last vertex of the PolygonLike. Note the function signature (previous, vertex) => U follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods'(accumulator, element) => B signature.

This method does nothing if the vertNum < 2. Foreach vertex applies the side effecting function to the previous vertex with each vertex. The previous vertex to the first vertex is the last vertex of the PolygonLike. Note the function signature (previous, vertex) => U follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods'(accumulator, element) => B signature.


Inherited from:
def xCen: Double


Inherited from:
def yCen: Double


Inherited from:

Concrete fields