Specialised immutable flat Array[Int] based classes.
- Graph
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait HCoordSeqLikeclass HCoordArrtrait HCoordSeqSpecclass LinePathHCclass PolygonHCtrait HVertSeqLikeclass HVertArrtrait SqCoordSeqLikeclass SqCoordArrtrait SqCoordSeqSpecclass PolygonSqCtrait SqVertSeqLikeclass SqVertArrtrait ArrInt2[A]class HCenArrclass HSepArrclass SqCenArrtrait SeqSpecInt2[A]trait LinePathInt2[VT]trait PolygonLikeInt2[VT]class HTilePolygonShow all
Members list
Type members
Inherited types
Gives the final type of this class.
Value members
Concrete methods
The number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc that specify / construct an element of this immutable flat Array based collection class.
The number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc that specify / construct an element of this immutable flat Array based collection class.
- Definition Classes
Sets / mutates an element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.
Sets / mutates an element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.
- Definition Classes
Inherited methods
The length of the backing Array.
The backing Array[Int] of this collection class. End users should not normally need to interact with this directly.
The backing Array[Int] of this collection class. End users should not normally need to interact with this directly.
- Inherited from:
- ArrayIntBacked
The element String allows the composition of toString for the whole collection. The syntax of the output will be reworked.
The element String allows the composition of toString for the whole collection. The syntax of the output will be reworked.
- Inherited from:
- SeqLike
Constructs the final type of these SeqLikeIntN from an Array[Int]. Mostly you will access this capability from the companion object or the appropriate builder, but it can be useful to access this from the class itself.
Constructs the final type of these SeqLikeIntN from an Array[Int]. Mostly you will access this capability from the companion object or the appropriate builder, but it can be useful to access this from the class itself.
- Inherited from:
- SeqLikeIntN
Sets / mutates elements in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.
Sets / mutates elements in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.
- Inherited from:
- SeqLike
Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying sequence in order.
Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying sequence in order.
- Inherited from:
- SeqLike
String specifying the type of this object.
Method for creating a new Array[Int] backed collection class of this collection class's final type.
Method for creating a new Array[Int] backed collection class of this collection class's final type.
- Inherited from:
- SeqLikeIntN